Welcome to the Cathode Ray Tube Antitrust Litigation Website
If You Bought A Cathode Ray Tube Product, A Class Action Ruling May Affect You.
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Products include Cathode Ray Tubes and finished products that
contain a Cathode Ray Tube such as Televisions and Computer Monitors.
Dates to Remember
Deadline to Request Exclusion from Litigated Class
February 24, 2023
- A class action lawsuit that includes direct purchasers of CRT Products is currently pending.
- Plaintiffs claim that Defendants (listed in the Notice) and Co-Conspirators engaged in an unlawful conspiracy to fix, raise, maintain or stabilize the prices of Cathode Ray Tubes. Plaintiffs further claim that direct purchasers of televisions and monitors that contain a cathode ray tube from the Defendants may recover for the effect that the cathode ray tube conspiracy had on the prices of televisions and monitors. Plaintiffs allege that, as a result of the unlawful conspiracy involving cathode ray tubes, they and other direct purchasers paid more for CRT Products than they would have paid absent the conspiracy. Defendants deny Plaintiffs’ claims.
- On August 1, 2022, the District Court certified a direct purchaser plaintiff class. A copy of the Order granting class certification is available here.. The class consists of “All persons and entities who, between March 1, 1995 and November 25, 2007, directly purchased a CRT Product in the United States from any Defendant or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof, or any co-conspirator or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof. Excluded from the class are defendants, their parent companies, subsidiaries or affiliates, any co-conspirators, all governmental entities, and any judges or justices assigned to hear any aspect of this action.”
- Your legal rights will be affected whether you act or don’t act. This Notice includes information on the certified class and the continuing lawsuit. Please read the entire Notice carefully. It contains answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
- You may exclude yourself from the class by submitting a request for exclusion postmarked by February 24, 2023.
Your rights are explained in the Notice.